What Is Shingles?
Shingles is a very painful disease caused by the same herpes virus that causes chicken pox (varicella zoster virus). Like other herpes viruses, the varicella-zoster virus has an initial infectious stage, (chicken pox) followed by a dormant stage. Then, with no warning, the virus becomes active again.About 20% of people who have had chicken pox will eventually develop shingles. This reactivation of the virus is most likely to occur in people with a weakened immune system.
Herpes zoster lives in nerve tissue. Outbreaks of shingles start with itching, numbness, tingling or severe pain in a belt-like pattern on the chest, back, or around the nose and eyes. In rare cases, herpes can infect the facial or eye nerves. This can cause outbreaks around the mouth, on the face, neck, and scalp, in and around the ear, or at the tip of the nose.
Shingles outbreaks are almost always on just one side of the body.
Shingles and HIV
Shingles is not one of the infections that leads to a diagnosis of AIDS.Shingles can occur in people with HIV shortly after they start taking strong antiviral medications. These cases of shingles are believed to be a sign of immune restoration syndrome Having HIV increases the risk of complications from shingles. These include pain (post herpetic neuralgia.) Also, if you notice any blurred vision, see your health care provider immediately. Also, as more people with HIV reach higher ages, they may be more likely to develop shingles.
How Is Shingles Treated?
Several types of drugs are used to treat shingles. Antiviral drugs: The standard treatment for shingles is the drug acyclovir. Two newer drugs have been approved for the treatment of shingles: famciclovir and valacyclovir. Several creams, gels and sprays are being studied. Some drugs normally used to treat depression, epilepsy, or severe pain are sometimes used for the pain of shingles.Intake of healthy, vitamin-rich food is also very important for the treatment of shingles. Your diet should include good amount of fresh peaches, berries, melons, lemons, avocado, mangoes and tomatoes. One of the most popular natural treatment remedy is garlic as it has special antiseptic qualities. Go for green, leafy vegetables and brown rice. Sugar must be eliminated from the daily diet. Caffeine, carbonated drinks and meat should also be avoided. You can improve your body immune system by taking more fruits with high vitamin C. Following a healthy diet and building your immune system will keep the infection from worsening, thus saving you from any more pain.
What is Our Approach?
- General Health Check up.
- Diet Tips
- Natural Herbal Remedies
- Topical Essential Oils
- Our Vinegar Remedy
- Vitamin C and E intake
- Our Oatmeal Skin Pack
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